The Never Ending Shortcut. Full of stories, drawings, animations, cartoons, and comics all made by me, enjoy and comment.
Quirk of Fate
Written by JeffZHigs
I sat up from his seat in class. My mom said if I, Rob, ever wanted to get a girl, I would need to sit up strait. So I did so. I wasn’t getting very good grades, maybe girls digged nerds. I remembered that freckled face red head from gym class, with the big glasses. That couldn’t be it. Suddenly the phone rang, “Hello this is Mimi…”
I jumped up, from my seat. I didn’t know any Mimi’s but she sounded hot. The phone hung to my side, I brought it back up to my mouth, “Hey Mimi!”
The phone picked up her voice still talking quite fast. I didn’t understand the words. I decided to cut to the chase, “Hey Mimi you wanna go out tomorrow?”
Mimis’ voice stated the last words, “Thank you for listening to this automated computer voice recording-”
The phone hung up.
-Rob Banks was stupid.