Friday, June 19, 2009


Austin and Eric are walking and talking about something

Eric: So I said to the other guy, that’s not the garbage disposal, thats my wife.

(Austin and Eric both laugh)

Austin: Aha thats a good one.

Eric: Hey Dude!

Austin: What?

Eric: Over there.

(Austin looks over and sees nothing)

Austin: Theirs nothing over there.

Eric: Exactly. Its the invisible man!

Austin: The invisible man?

Eric: Ya. But he doesn’t like to be called that, call him john.

Austin: Call him John?

Eric: Ya. He gets really angry when people call him the invisivle--

Invisible Man: Hey is that you Eric?

Eric: John. How longs it been?

Invisible Man: Are you going to introduce me to your friend?

Eric: Oh. Right. Uh... This is my friend Austin.

Austin: Uh, hello.

Eric (to Austin only): Whats a matter with you? This guy is bigger than both of us.

Eric: Me and Austin were just talking about you.

Austin: No we weren’t

(Eric hits Austin)

Eric: HaHa. What a kidder!

Eric (to Austin only): Dude. Play our cards right and we can get out of this alive!

Invisible Man: Hey, I want my money Eric.

Eric: Oh, heehee. Right. The money.

Eric (to Austin only): Can I borrow 20 bucks?

Austin: Im broke.

Eric: Um. John. heehee. I uh I don’t know if I can pay you--

Invisible Man: I’ve given you till Thursday.

Eric: Oh, and its wednesday.

Austin: Its Thursday

Eric (to Austin only): Ok, on my mark, we run.

Eric: Ok I think of have the money somewhere in my- RUN!

(Eric starts running)

(Eric gets stopped by Invisible Man, and gets beat up.)

Invisible Man: Why you hitting your self Eric? WHY Are You Hitting Your Self?

(Eric hitting himself)

Eric (Crying): I don’t know... I don’t know.

(After a minute of seeing Eric getting beatin’ up by the invisible man.)

(Eric walks back up to Austin)

Eric: Oh. I survived.

Austin: Hey I actually got 20 dollars right here in my Jacket Pocket!

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